Our rented cabin in Nikkaluokta at Sarri AB was small but really enough. It included two bunk-beds, a kitchenette and a kitchen table with stools. In the service building near our cabin, we had access to a toilette, shower and…

Part 8: Hiking Kungsleden in Autumn – Nikkaluokta – Kiruna

Part 7: Hiking Kungsleden in Autumn – Kebnekaise Fjällstation – Nikkaluokta
We woke up in a bunk-bed room at Kebnekaise Fjällstation, all rested and ready for the last 19 km hike to Nikkaulokta. The day before, we had called to book accommodation in Nikkaulokta, a small cabin, and decided to stay…

Part 6: Hiking Kungsleden in Autumn – Sälka – Kebnekaise Fjällstation
A few kilometres after the Sälka huts, we found a peaceful spot, close to a stream, and decided to spend the next night there. We did at that point not know that we would not spend only one night here,…

Part 5: Hiking Kungsleden in Autumn – Tjäktja – Sälka
The night spent near the Tjäktja huts was above all, rainy and windy. That contributed to the fact that we did not have a good night sleep and were tired even before our day started. Still, eager to get going,…

Part 4: Hiking Kungsleden in Autumn – Vuolle Alesjaure – Tjäktja
Waiking up on the lakeshore of Alesjaure turned out to be thrilling, scary but in the end very funny. While still laying in our sleeping bags, weird noises started to appear just outside the tent. Our first thought was BEAR!!!…

Part 3: Hiking Kungsleden in Autumn – Abiskojaure – Vuolle Alesjaure
The first part of the following morning led us back over the bridge that we had crossed the day before, back to the east side of the lake. A sign saying “Kungsleden” assured us that we were back…

Part 2: Hiking Kungsleden in Autumn – Abisko – Abiskojaure
Our preparations for the hiking tour actually started a few months earlier. We realised that walking more than 100 kilometres was not something we had done many times before. Therefore, we made a shorter tour in the German Palatine Region,…

Part 1: Hiking Kungsleden in Autumn – Introduction
A couple of years ago, as I got more and more intrigued by outdoor activities and combining them with travel, I found an article in an outdoor magazine about the most famous Swedish hiking trail, Kungsleden. It caught my interest…

Hiking Kungsleden in Autumn
Trip overview What: Multi-day trekking tour Where: Swedish Lapland, Northern Sweden When: September, 2014 Why: Enjoy untouched nature How: Wild camping Duration: 12 days (6 days hiking) Distance: 106,7 km; 4030 m ascent; 3940 m descent This article includes the following posts:…

Part 7: Wild Camping in Germany – GPS-Tracks (GPX)
Here you can find our GPS-Tracks and some more information about it. However, you can also find many tour propositions (inkl. GPX) directly via www.trekking-pfalz.de. Day 1: From Annweiler am Trifels to Eußerthal Day 2: From Eußerthal to Modenbacher Hof Day…