One very interesting cycling tour in Berlin is the Berliner Mauerweg. It stretches along the old wall that surrounded Berlin from 1961 until 1989. The tour is approximately 160 km long and is mostly formed by paved paths. Accessing the tour is easy, just take the S-Bahn train to any station that lies along the former wall (Wannsee, Hermsdorf, etc) or start in the city centre by the Brandenburg Gate.
We cycled the tour in three parts:
- Wannsee – Hermsdorf
- Hermsdorf – Schönefeld
- Schönefeld – Wannsee
Part 1: Berlin Wall Tour (Wannsee – Hermsdorf)
From S-Bahn station Wannsee, we took the ferry F10 to Alt-Kladow and continued cycling for some 50 km kilometers to Hermsdorf.
On the ferry F10 (Wannsee- Alt-Kladow)
There are signs showing the way, as seen on our photos, but the old wall is sometimes also marked by a cobblestone line on the pavement.
Berlin Wall cobblestone line on the pavement
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Max elevation: 58 m
Min elevation: 23 m
Total climbing: 484 m
Total descent: -477 m
Part 2: Berlin Wall Tour (Hermsdorf – Schönefeld)
The second part went through the city centre and is recommended for those that do not have much time to spend in Berlin.
Many tourists choose to cycle only the central parts of this tour, which is a great way to explore the city and its history.
Cycling through the city means that you can find many picturesque spots and cafes for a well- needed break. On our way, we stopped for some energy refill at Café Stockholm.
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Max elevation: 89 m
Min elevation: 19 m
Total climbing: 591 m
Total descent: -583 m
Part 3: Berlin Wall Tour (Schönefeld – Wannsee)
The third part of our tour was indeed on a rainy day, but one could really imagine how beautiful it could have been with some sunshine. The lakes, the silent nature and the interesting break spots are good descriptions for this part. The road lead us to the city of Potsdam and in the end back to Wannsee.
Having a break with a nice view
The lake Griebnitzsee in Potsdam
Surly Long Haul Trucker after a rainy day
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Max elevation: 72 m
Min elevation: 28 m
Total climbing: 294 m
Total descent: -307 m