Part 10: Hiking Kungsleden in Autumn – GPS-Tracks (GPX)

Here you can find our GPS-Tracks and some more information about it.

From Abisko to Abiskojaure

Total distance: 14.22 km
Max elevation: 504 m
Min elevation: 377 m
Total climbing: 545 m
Total descent: -439 m
Download file: 2014_08_31-Kungsleden_1.gpx

From Abiskojaure to Vuolle Alesjaure

Total distance: 15.38 km
Max elevation: 829 m
Min elevation: 482 m
Total climbing: 724 m
Total descent: -425 m
Download file: 2014_09_01-Kungsleden_2.gpx

From Vuolle Alesjaure to Tjäktja

Total distance: 19.2 km
Max elevation: 1039 m
Min elevation: 765 m
Total climbing: 795 m
Total descent: -550 m
Download file: 2014_09_02-Kungsleden_3.gpx

From Tjäktja to Sälka

Total distance: 15.41 km
Max elevation: 1138 m
Min elevation: 790 m
Total climbing: 590 m
Total descent: -817 m
Download file: 2014_09_03-Kungsleden_4.gpx

From Sälka to Kebnekaise Fjällstation

Total distance: 22.85 km
Max elevation: 998 m
Min elevation: 662 m
Total climbing: 870 m
Total descent: -988 m
Download file: 2014_09_05-Kungsleden_5.gpx

From Kebnekaise Fjällstation to Nikkaluokta

Total distance: 19.18 km
Max elevation: 693 m
Min elevation: 475 m
Total climbing: 491 m
Total descent: -695 m
Download file: 2014_09_07-Kungsleden_6.gpx

Complete Tour

Total distance: 106.78 km
Max elevation: 1138 m
Min elevation: 377 m
Total climbing: 4030 m
Total descent: -3940 m
Download file: 2014_08_31-Kungsleden_Complete.gpx


This post is a part of the following article: Hiking Kungsleden in Autumn

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